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Discover the new CDFAS facilities


On June 23, the first stone of the new CDFAS accommodation building was laid in the presence of Thierry Rey, special adviser in charge of the mobilization of the territories of the OCOG 2024, Nicole Lanaspre regional adviser to the Île-de-France region , Marie-Christine Cavecchi, president of the Val d'Oise department, Xavier Haquin, departmental adviser for Olympism and Paralympism and president of the CDFAS, Marie José Beaulande, mayor of the city of Eaubonne and Christine Edeikins, associate architect and founder of ATELIERS 2/3/4/, in charge of the reconstruction project for the extra-sports facilities of the CDFAS.


Discover the future spaces of the CDFAS

This future building combining functionality and well-being in the service of sport will offer our high-level athletes living spaces putting them in optimal conditions for their performance journey. It is in this building that Team USA will stay during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Throughout the year, it will be occupied by our hopeful centers as well as by the 350,000 users who gravitate towards the CDFAS each year (estimated figure post-inauguration of the new building).


Presentation of the new building

The project was designed with a view to preserving biodiversity with sustainable materials and large openings giving a view of the site and its sports facilities.

The building will be on 3 floors, covered with wooden cladding, with spaces designed and conducive to the comfort of the athletes. On the ground floor, the crossing hall will connect all the common areas, with a new sports regeneration center and a health centre, the training rooms with access to the interior garden and the restaurant opening onto its shaded terrace.

The two upper levels will be dedicated to athletes with the 99 rooms of the new building. On each floor, users will be able to rest in a relaxation and comfort lounge. They will also have access to the collective terrace on the 1st floor.

This project, the cost of which amounts to €20 million, is made possible thanks to funding from the Val d'Oise department, the Île-de-France region, and the interdepartmental solidarity and investment fund. (FS2i).



Some figures on the new accommodation building.

Accommodation 99 roomsAccommodation capacity 198 bedsCatering 300 seatsTeaching Rooms 16living place 3240 parking spacesNumber of permanent athletes 160Annual attendance 350,000Sports Regeneration Center 1 In particular thanks to the CDFAS and its new infrastructures, the Val d'Oise department is becoming a real flagship for the international delegations present in Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games. But well beyond the Games, these facilities will leave an important legacy for the French and Valdois sport. According to Ms. Cavecchi, the president of the Val d'Oise department, the CDFAS is "a rare opportunity for young athletes" who train on a reference site in France and internationally. The CDFAS is for Nicole Lanaspre, regional councilor for the Île-de-France region “a major place for sports practice for all. »  The Val d'Oise department is developing its own Olympic approach. The Val d'Oise wanted to be a pioneer in terms of hosting the Paris Games, it is the first department to sign with an international delegation, which is also the largest delegation in the world instead of Team USA!The department of Val d'Oise, labeled Terre de Jeux, allows its communities to be able to professionalize and finance sports projects.For the president of the department, Marie-Christine Cavecchi, the JOP de Paris 2024 are a godsend for the Val d'Oise, they must be a great popular celebration in which clubs, associations and town halls participate.